Test Series - cyber security

Test Number 11/13

Q: When plain text is converted to unreadable format, it is termed as ____________
A. ciphen-text
B. cipher-text
C. rotten text
D. raw text
Solution: Cryptography helps in securing information in a specific format so that only intended users can understand or process it. When plain text is converted to the unreadable format, that type of text is termed as cipher-text.
Q: Conventional cryptography is also known as _____________ or symmetric-key encryption.
A. public key
B. primary key
C. secret key
D. protected key
Solution: The various cryptographic techniques are symmetric Key cryptography, public key cryptography, and Hash functions based cryptography. Conventional cryptography is also known as secret-key cryptography or symmetric-key encryption.
Q: Which of the following is not the primary objective of cryptography?
A. Data Redundancy
B. Confidentiality
C. Authentication
D. Data Integrity
Solution: The key intent of implementing cryptography is to offer the following 4 fundamental information security features. These are Confidentiality, Data Integrity, Authentication and non-repudiation.
Q: ___________ is the concept that tells us about the replacement of every alphabet by another alphabet and the entire series gets ‘shifted’ by some fixed quantity.
A. Playfair Cipher
B. Rolling Cipher
C. Block Cipher
D. Shift Cipher
Solution: Shift Cipher is the concept that tells us about the replacement of every alphabet by another alphabet and the entire series gets ‘shifted’ by some fixed quantity (which is the key) between 0 and 25.
Q: The word ________________is a combination of the Greek words ‘steganos’ which means “covered or concealed”, and ‘graphein’ which means “writing”.
A. Steganography
B. Chorography
C. Tomography
D. Cryptography
Solution: The word steganography is a combination of the Greek words ‘steganos’ which means “covered or concealed”, and ‘graphein’ which means “writing”. Steganography is hiding of data within data, where we can hide images, text, and other messages within images, videos, music or recording files.
Q: ____________ makes it likely for its users to hide their physical locations & offering a variety of services like web publishing or an IM maintaining privacy.
A. Tor
B. Incognito mode
C. AnonyMode
D. In-private mode
Solution: Tor makes it likely for its users to hide their physical locations & offering a variety of services like web publishing or an IM maintaining privacy.
Q: Tor is written in ______ language having roughly 146,000 LOC (lines of code).
A. Objective C
B. C
C. C#
D. C++
Solution: Tor was originally designed for the US Navy for secure communication which was written in the popular C language having roughly 146,000 LOC (lines of code).
Q: Sometimes __________________ anonymize them to perform criminal activities.
A. cyber-criminals
B. ethical hackers
C. incident handlers
D. virus
Solution: Sometimes cyber-criminals anonymize their identity or network to perform criminal activities so that it becomes difficult by forensic investigators or cyber cell to identify them.
Q: ______________ is a network construct over the internet that is encrypted. It offers anonymity to its users. Tor (The Onion Router) is a common service of Darknet.
B. Stuxnet
C. Freenet
D. Darknet
Solution: Darknet is a network construct over the internet that is encrypted. It offers anonymity to its users. Tor (The Onion Router) is a common service of Darknet.
Q: The popular computer scientist Mr. Michael K. Bergman has coined the term “deep web” in the year ____________
A. 2004
B. 2001
C. 2007
D. 2009
Solution: The popular computer scientist Mr. Michael K. Bergman has coined the term “deep web” in the year 2001. This invisible web uses the encrypted browser and search engines and so is not indexed by standard search engine.

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